Lentil Kofta / Lentil Meatball (Vegan Meatballs). To make these Middle Eastern meatballs, or kofta, you can substitute the lentils with vegan minced meat. Brands like impossible or beyind meat can work very well. However, I always try to keep recipe budget friendly, and lentils are a great budget firendly alternative to meat.
How to Make Vegan Lentil Meatballs collage. Start by making the vegan lentil meatballs. Place a non-stick skillet on the stovetop, and add a tablespoon of oil or water.
Hey everyone, I hope you are having an amazing day today. Today, we're going to make a special dish, lentil kofta / lentil meatball (vegan meatballs). One of my favorites food recipes. For mine, I'm gonna make it a little bit unique. This is gonna smell and look delicious.
Lentil Kofta / Lentil Meatball (Vegan Meatballs) is one of the most popular of recent trending meals on earth. It is easy, it's fast, it tastes yummy. It's enjoyed by millions daily. Lentil Kofta / Lentil Meatball (Vegan Meatballs) is something that I have loved my whole life. They are nice and they look fantastic.
To make these Middle Eastern meatballs, or kofta, you can substitute the lentils with vegan minced meat. Brands like impossible or beyind meat can work very well. However, I always try to keep recipe budget friendly, and lentils are a great budget firendly alternative to meat.
To get started with this recipe, we must first prepare a few components. You can have lentil kofta / lentil meatball (vegan meatballs) using 31 ingredients and 13 steps. Here is how you cook it.
The ingredients needed to make Lentil Kofta / Lentil Meatball (Vegan Meatballs):
- Prepare of A).Bahan Kofta:.
- Get of brown lentil.
- Prepare of maizena/ corn flour.
- Make ready of bawang putih haluskan.
- Prepare of garam halus atau sesuai selera.
- Get of merica bubuk atau sesuai selera.
- Prepare of kunyit bubuk atau sesuai selera.
- Take of ketumbar bubuk.
- Take of jintan bubuk.
- Take of cabe bubuk.
- Get of baking powder.
- Take of penyedap jika suka.
- Prepare of daun ketumbar cincang (bisa diganti daun bawang/parsley.
- Prepare of minyak untuk menggoreng.
- Prepare of B).Bahan Saus Kofta:.
- Make ready of bawang merah cincang.
- Take of bawang putih haluskan.
- Prepare of jahe haluskan.
- Prepare of tomat ukuran besar blender/cincang halus.
- Take of pasta tomat.
- Prepare of yogurt.
- Take of air (sekitar 400.ml atau sesuai selera).
- Get of minyak untuk menumis bumbu.
- Take of C). Bumbu Rempah saus Kofta:.
- Prepare of jintan bubuk.
- Make ready of ketumbar bubuk.
- Take of merica bubuk.
- Make ready of cabe bubuk.
- Prepare of kunyit bubuk.
- Take of garam halus.
- Take of penyedap jika suka.
Once the oil is hot, add the shallots and garlic and sauté. Remove the skillet from the heat, and let it cool down. Made from scratch Vegan Lentil Meatballs made from healthy, plant based ingredients without too much prep needed! Gluten Free + Grain Free Okay so maybe these aren't exactly 'meat' balls but you catch my drift.
Steps to make Lentil Kofta / Lentil Meatball (Vegan Meatballs):
- Rendam brown Lentil semalaman agar mengembang dan empuk..
- Tiriskan dari air rendaman dan bilas air bersih lalu tiriskan dari airnya hingga tiris, masukkan ke food processor, Lalu blender TANPA AIR hingga halus..
- Tuang ke wadah, tambahkan maizena, garam, bawang putih halus, penyedap, merica bubuk, jintan bubuk, ketumbar bubuk, cabe bubuk,kunyit bubuk dan daun ketumbar cincang atau daun bawang cincang atau bisa juga diganti parsley ya, aduk sambil diremas-remas rata dan sekiranya bisa dikepal padat..
- Masukkan baking powder aduk lagi rata..
- Bulat bulatkan sesuai selera..
- Lalu goreng di minyak panas dgn api sedang, kalo mau dibikin cemilan alias Lentil fritters, Goreng sampai crispy, crunchy Dan garing ya, tapi klo mau dibikin Kofta dgn saus tomat, tidak perlu sampai renyah gorengnya, karena nanti masih kita masak lgi dgn saus tomat..
- Angkat, tiriskan..
- Sekarang kita buat saus koftanya: dalam panci Panaskan secukupnya minyak, masukkan bawang merah cincang tumis hingga layu, masukkan bawang putih dan jahe yg sudah dihaluskan, tumis lagi hingga harum, masukkan pasta tomat, tumis beberapa saat pakai api kecil aja biar gak gosong..
- Masukkan semua bumbu rempah yg ada (di.bahan C) tumis lagi beberapa detik hingga dirasa matang..
- Masukkan tomat yg sudah diblender,masak biarkan hingga mendidih dan berubah warna, masukkan yogurt aduk lagi masak hingga yogurt mencair dan tidak bergerindil..
- Masukkan air, masak biarkan hingga mendidih, terakhir masukkan bola-bola Lentil Kofta yg udh digoreng tadi, masak hingga sekiranya kuah mengental dan terserap kedalam Kofta, Jika suka sebelum kompor dimatikan masukkan 1 genggam bawang goreng dan juga daun ketumbar cincang..
- Jadi deh.. sajikan dengan nasi putih, Chapati, Paratha ataupun topping spaghetti bolognese.. healthy and yummyy😋.
- Selamat mencoba semoga bermanfaat 🌹.
Even without the meat they're still every bit as hearty and even more nutrient packed than the real thing. This lentil meatballs recipe is simple, requiring just a few simple vegan ingredients! You can cook dried lentils ahead of time if you prefer or use up leftover cooked lentils. I used red lentils but also yellow or brown or green lentils are fine. These flavorful Vegan Lentil Meatballs are served over a fragrant Coconut Curry Sauce.
So that's going to wrap this up for this exceptional food lentil kofta / lentil meatball (vegan meatballs) recipe. Thank you very much for reading. I'm confident you can make this at home. There's gonna be interesting food in home recipes coming up. Remember to save this page in your browser, and share it to your loved ones, colleague and friends. Thanks again for reading. Go on get cooking!
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