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Recipe of Award-winning Khubz Ragag / Khubz Omani

Khubz Ragag / Khubz Omani. Omani bread is called khubz ragag, it is delicious and different. It is made with just three simple ingredients, flour, water and salt. The dough is made either really sticky or really wet almost like a pancake batter.

Khubz Ragag / Khubz Omani It is made with just three simple ingredients, flour, water and salt. It is made with just three simple ingredients, flour, water and salt. The dough is made either really sticky or really wet almost like Omani Bread or also referred to as Khubz Ragag in the vernacular language is a simple yet elegant bread made by Omani households.

Hey everyone, hope you're having an amazing day today. Today, I'm gonna show you how to make a distinctive dish, khubz ragag / khubz omani. One of my favorites food recipes. For mine, I'm gonna make it a little bit tasty. This will be really delicious.

Khubz Ragag / Khubz Omani is one of the most well liked of current trending meals in the world. It's enjoyed by millions every day. It is simple, it's fast, it tastes delicious. They are fine and they look wonderful. Khubz Ragag / Khubz Omani is something which I have loved my entire life.

Omani bread is called khubz ragag, it is delicious and different. It is made with just three simple ingredients, flour, water and salt. The dough is made either really sticky or really wet almost like a pancake batter.

To get started with this particular recipe, we have to first prepare a few ingredients. You can cook khubz ragag / khubz omani using 3 ingredients and 11 steps. Here is how you cook that.

The ingredients needed to make Khubz Ragag / Khubz Omani:

  1. Make ready of tepung gandum (bisa pakai tepung terigu biasa).
  2. Make ready of garam halus atau sesuai selera.
  3. Take of air (sekitar 3.cup sampai 4.cup).

It is a delicious easy to prepare eatable with three simple ingredients such as flour, water and salt. While there, we watched a woman make thin and crispy Omani bread called Khubz Ragag — delicious when freshly cooked. It is made with just three ingredients, flour, water, and salt. This bread cooked on a round stainless griddle over a gas cooktop, and removed using a paint chipper, then folded in quarters for us to eat.

Instructions to make Khubz Ragag / Khubz Omani:

  1. Dalam wadah campur semua bahan, saat memasukkan air sedikit demi sedikit hingga adonan lengket, tekstur adonan harus lengket dan bisa ditarik seperti photo, tutup adonan dgn plastik rapat, taruh dikulkas, biarkan 1 jam, bisa juga kalo mau buat untuk sarapan, bikin adonannya malam tidak masalah..
  2. Jika adonan udah siap, Panaskan Tawa, suhu pada Tawa harus benar-benar panas, cara mengecek_nya, cipratkan air diatas tawa.jika air langsung loncat dan hilang, berarti tawa sudah panas.
  3. Basahi tangan dgn air lebih dulu, ambil adonan sedikit, taruh ditawa, lalu dengan cepat ratakan dengan memakai alat seperti sendok lebar tipis.
  4. Ratakan hingga semua menjadi rata tipis, gunakan api sedang cenderung kecil, jika ada sebagian tepung seperti gumpalan yg agak menebal, seperti yg ada tengah, keruk keruk pelan dan buang ya, tunggu hingga mengering, lipat pelan, lalu angkat.
  5. Bisa dilipat atau bisa juga dibiarkan utuh bulat ya, taruh dipiring dengan bagian yg saat kita panggang ada dibagian atas, balik ditelungkupkan, lakukan hingga semua adonan habis, tunggu dingin, masukkan plastik rapat dengan piringnya, dan simpan disuhu ruang bisa tahan 3 hari. Jika dikulkas bisa tahan sampai 2 Minggu bahkan 1 bulan..
  6. 2 kali lebih tipis dari crêpes.
  7. Sangat tipis dan renyah, saya suka menikmatinya dengan dicelupkan ke segelas Chai Karak begini☕😋😍 atau sebagai pendamping marak & saloona (Arabic Curry).
  8. Nah klo suami saya, sukanya dikasih isian telur+ keju oles caranya, setelah adonan kita ratakan ditawa, biarkan sebentar atau setengah kering, lalu pecahkan telur diatasnya, aduk rata, biarkan telur hingga setengah matang, lalu olesi atasnya dengan keju oles (cheese spread) atau keju Cheddar parut..
  9. Tunggu beberapa saat, lalu lipat, jadi deh 🌮 isian bisa juga pakai coklat oles (Nutella) atau sesuai selera. Yummy...
  10. Semoga bermanfaat 👩‍🍳🌹.
  11. 🌮☕🇴🇲❤️.

Omani bread is called khubz ragag, it is delicious and different. It is made with just three simple ingredients, flour, water and salt. The dough is made either really sticky or really wet almost like. Favorite Recipes Healthy Recipes Healthy Soups Healthy Food Cooking Recipes. Learn how to make Omani bread (khubz)!

So that's going to wrap this up with this exceptional food khubz ragag / khubz omani recipe. Thank you very much for your time. I'm sure you will make this at home. There is gonna be more interesting food at home recipes coming up. Remember to save this page on your browser, and share it to your family, friends and colleague. Thanks again for reading. Go on get cooking!


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