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Recipe of Quick Kofta Kebab Teflon (Arabic style)

Kofta Kebab Teflon (Arabic style). Kafta (Lebanese Grilled Beef Kebabs) These Lebanese grilled beef kebabs are perfect for entertaining all year round. Kafta, kofta, kifta, however you spell it, it amounts to the same thing; a ground meat kebab. Traditionally made of lamb, this grilled beef kafta as the title suggests is made of beef.

Kofta Kebab Teflon (Arabic style) Grilled kofta (or kefta) are skewers of ground beef and lamb mixed with fresh parsley, onions, garlic and warm Middle Eastern spices! These kabobs will feed a crowd and there are many sides and salads you can serve alongside (lots of ideas at the bottom of this post). And be sure to watch the video and the step-by-step tutorial!

Hey everyone, First thing that you need to understand is the different terminology you'll discover in recipes actually means. There are many brand new and at times foreign sounding terms you may see in common recipes. These terms may mean that the difference in recipe success or failure. You need to find a way to obtain a good section in any inclusive cook book which explains different definitions for unfamiliar speech. If you aren't absolutely certain what is meant by"folding in the eggs" it really is in your best interests to check it up. Today, I'm gonna show you how to prepare a distinctive dish, kofta kebab teflon (arabic style). One of my favorites food recipes. This time, I'm gonna make it a little bit tasty. This is gonna smell and look delicious.

Kafta (Lebanese Grilled Beef Kebabs) These Lebanese grilled beef kebabs are perfect for entertaining all year round. Kafta, kofta, kifta, however you spell it, it amounts to the same thing; a ground meat kebab. Traditionally made of lamb, this grilled beef kafta as the title suggests is made of beef.

Kofta Kebab Teflon (Arabic style) is one of the most well liked of current trending meals on earth. It is appreciated by millions every day. It's easy, it's fast, it tastes delicious. Kofta Kebab Teflon (Arabic style) is something which I've loved my whole life. They are fine and they look wonderful.

To get started with this recipe, we have to prepare a few ingredients. You can cook kofta kebab teflon (arabic style) using 18 ingredients and 18 steps. Here is how you cook it.

The ingredients needed to make Kofta Kebab Teflon (Arabic style):

  1. Make ready of daging giling (pilih yang mengandung lemak 10%).
  2. Take of bawang bombay parut (bisa pakai bawang merah biasa).
  3. Get of bawang putih parut atau dihaluskan.
  4. Take of jahe parut atau dihaluskan.
  5. Prepare of tepung maizena (corn flour).
  6. Get of yogurt.
  7. Get of daun ketumbar cincang.
  8. Take of minyak untuk memarinated ( saya pakai minyak zaitun.
  9. Get of BUMBU BUBUK nya=.
  10. Make ready of jintan bubuk.
  11. Prepare of ketumbar bubuk.
  12. Get of kunyit bubuk.
  13. Take of merica bubuk.
  14. Get of kayu manis bubuk.
  15. Make ready of kapulaga bubuk.
  16. Take of cabe bubuk atau sesuaikan selera.
  17. Make ready of tidak penuh garam halus atau sesuaikan selera.
  18. Take of penyedap sesuaikan selera.

Mix the garlic into the lamb along with the onion, parsley, coriander, cumin, cinnamon, allspice, cayenne pepper, ginger, and pepper in a mixing bowl until well blended. Grilled kafta is a staple at any Arab summer barbecue, along with shish tawouk, and meat shish kebab. The meatball mixture is shaped onto a wooden or metal skewer. In a large bowl, stir together beef, parsley, tomatoes, Aleppo, allspice, mint, cumin, coriander, cinnamon, onions, salt, and pepper.

Instructions to make Kofta Kebab Teflon (Arabic style):

  1. Dalam mangkuk, campur daging giling bersama semua bahan lain beserta bumbu bumbunya. (NOTE= daging giling yang saya gunakan, daging giling yang ada lemaknya sekitar 10%, untuk menghasilkan kebab yg lembut dan tidak keras).
  2. Aduk hingga semua tercampur rata. Tutup simpan di kulkas, biarkan kurang lebih 2 jam. (NOTE= untuk mengecek rasa, bisa dgn cara mengambil sedikit kira kira setengah sendok teh adonan dan panggang sebentar diteflon, jadi benar benar tau kurang asin atau tidaknya).
  3. Setelah 2 jam, keluarkan dari kulkas, ambil teflon olesi sedikit saja minyak, olesi tipis merata, lalu taruh adonan tadi, padatkan merata sambil ditekan tekan agar padat ya, (saya menggunakan teflon sedang, hasil kebab lumayan tebal).
  4. Taruh di kompor, nyalakan api dengan api sedang, tuang 2 sdm minyak goreng, cara menuang nya yaitu dibagian pinggirannya saja secara melingkar rata..
  5. Panggang selama 2 menit, dengan TEFLON TERBUKA, api sedang cenderung kecil.
  6. Setelah 2 menit, TUTUP TEFLONNYA dan panggang selama 3 menit. Api sedang cenderung kecil.
  7. Setelah total waktu 5 menit, atau sekiranya kebab dibawah kecoklatan, balikkan pelan. (biasanya Akan keluar air seperti ini ya,karena penggunaan yogurt dan juga dari daging giling yang saya gunakan mengandung lemak, jika air yg keluar dari daging terlalu banyak seperti ini,air nya bisa kita kurangi dengan cara pindahkan kemangkuk dulu sebagian dan jangan dibuang, karena akan kita gunakan lagi).
  8. Panggang kurang lebih 1 menit, lalu buat garis garis memanjang dengan ujung penggorengan pelan, karena yg kita inginkan kebab berbentuk panjang, jadi biarkan terpisah satu sama lainnya, Lalu TUTUP LAGI TEFLON NYA, panggang lagi 3 menit api sedang cenderung kecil..
  9. Setelah total waktu 4 menit, buka teflon nya, jika terlihat mulai kering, bisa kita tuangkan lagi air bumbu yang di hasilkan dari daging di langkah nomer.7.
  10. Balikkan satu persatu sekali lagi, jika perlu tambahkan 1 sdm minyak. Tutup lagi teflon nya dan biarkan masak sekitar 3 menit lagi. Api kecil saja..
  11. Sementara sambil menunggu kebab selesai dipanggang, ambil 1 jempol arang, bakar diatas kompor..
  12. Jika sudah panas, taruh diatas kebab tadi, alasi dgn foil/ wadah kecil, siram diatas arang dengan 1 sendok sayur minyak, dan dengan cepat tutup teflon nya rapat. (Posisi kompor masih nyala ya, ini di 1.menit terakhir proses pemanggangan).
  13. Biarkan 1 menitan hingga semua asap terserap kedalam kebab, untuk aroma asapnya, setelah itu matikan kompor dan kebab ready deh..
  14. Buka teflonnya dan buang arang tadi, untuk minyak yg diguyur ke arang tadi, bisa dioleskan juga ke kebab untuk aroma yg lebih harum. Teksur nya sangat tender dan juicy,tidak keras, karena adanya penggunaan yogurt saat memarinasi..
  15. Jadi deh... bisa ditaburi dgn oregano / thyme atau lainnya.
  16. بالعافية 😋😉.
  17. Sangat cocok disajikan dengan Nasi Arabic garlic butter rice (resep sudah ada) juga salad lalapan bisa juga dengan naan bread/ pita bread atau sesuaikan selera..
  18. NB = bahan untuk aroma asap bahannya = 1 jempol arang+1 sendok minyak goreng (sendoknya pakai ukuran sendok sayur sedang).

Kebab (also known as shish kebab, kabob or kabab) is a Middle Eastern and Eastern Mediterranean dish of meat grilled on a skewer. Kofta are balls of spiced minced or ground meat, and are eaten not only in the Middle East, but also in Eastern Europe and South Asia. Smash the garlic cloves, sprinkle with a generous pinch of salt, and, with the flat side of a large knife, mash and smear mixture to a coarse paste. In a large bowl, mix together the ground beef, onion, parsley, cayenne, allspice, salt and pepper until evenly blended. You might also like Kefta (or kofta) is a deliciously spiced and tender type of Moroccan kebab made using ground beef or lamb.

So that's going to wrap this up for this special food kofta kebab teflon (arabic style) recipe. Thanks so much for your time. I am sure that you will make this at home. There is gonna be more interesting food in home recipes coming up. Remember to bookmark this page in your browser, and share it to your loved ones, friends and colleague. Thanks again for reading. Go on get cooking!


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